Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Relevant Faith

Why am I preoccupied with “faith”? For I have felt intensely and explored intentionally this “faith” for over four decades now!

Faiths, not just Christian but also other faiths, point to a presence of the transcendence, the unseen and invisible person, power, or energy, that most people call God, and persuade from humans an increased sense of accountability. It is this that is the concern of Christians around the world as they regularly join public worship and enter into private personal praying.

Faith, then, is that which emerges from my awareness of that which is bigger, greater, and worthier than my puny self. Faith, then, should make me to see my self with another perspective – not that is self-centred.

Extending kindness and compassion to the other, particularly the frail ones – children, the senior, those of lesser affluence, and those with special needs – caring for the world that is in some sense is so fragile, and sharing of the resources of much are non-renewable, are some of the outcome when “faith” is the preoccupation.

As such, concern for “faith” is likely to improve both our individual and communal life. But preoccupation with “faith” has led to the opposite as well. Then we call that “distorted faith”, “irrelevant faith” that needs to be discarded.

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